To automatically start up the slide show with the last set of saved settings, click this button.
Automatically starts up the slide show with the last set of saved settings. This option is selected.
To bring up the Slide Show Options dialog when JPEGView starts, click this button.
Brings up the Slide Show Options dialog when JPEGView starts. This option is selected.
To bring up the Open dialog when JPEGView starts, click this button.
Brings up the Open dialog when JPEGView starts. This option is selected.
To do nothing when JPEGView starts, click this button.
Does nothing when JPEGView starts. This option is selected.
To automatically display the Comments floating window whenever the active image contains comments, click this box.
The Comments floating window will automatically be displayed whenever the active image contains comments. To leave the comments under user control, click this box.
To give other applications a lot of processor time while JPEGView is decompressing images, click this button. This option will certainly slow down JPEGView’s operations.
Gives other applications a lot of processor time while JPEGView is decompressing images. This option is selected.
To give other applications a reasonable amount of processor time while JPEGView is decompressing images, click this button.
Gives other applications a reasonable amount of processor time while JPEGView is decompressing images. This option is selected.
To give other applications very little processor time while JPEGView is decompressing images, click this button. This option will cause other applications to slow down greatly.
Gives other applications very little processor time while JPEGView is decompressing images. This option is selected.
To use QuickTime for displaying JPEG-compressed images, check this box. On non-PowerPC Macintoshes, this option usually speeds up JPEG decompression.
To use the Independent JPEG Group’s (IJG) code for decompressing JPEG images, uncheck this box. The IJG code is more robust and less prone to crashing on damaged JPEG images.